Monday, April 9, 2007

A nice romp in the yard turned into a nightmare! I couldn't believe my eyes! I was following my foster sisters through the bushes when we spotted a robin. So, being bird dogs, we just stood there and pointed at the nice bird. I don't know if we tripped a secret alarm or what...but what happened next was unreal!

TWO HUGE SEAGULLS landed right behind the robin. We don't even live that close to a lake! Dumb birds! They started squacking and screaming at us. We SLOWLY started to back up when they attacked. Those monster birds started chasing us throught the bushes. We all saw the door to the house and ran for our lives... A stampede of English Seters! In a pathetic effort to save us, my foster mom stopped laughing long enough to open the door. She could have thrown a shoe at them or something else a bit more heroic!

We had the pleasure of watching every movement of those mean birds from the comfort and safety of the king size bed! The sea gulls sat on the neighbor's roof for an hour just flapping their beaks! Trust me, they had nothing nice to say... I hope they don't come back. My foster mom said we should relax because they were just birds! JUST BIRDS? Who's she kidding? Do I look relaxed?

posted by Lisa Floros at 8:33 PM | Permalink |